Complete smile therapy
21.11.2022.Smile aesthetics
Patient tailored
Smile aesthetics primarily include the frontal teeth, which are typically the first to be noticed when someone smiles at us. Nowadays, there are several smile design programs available in the market. These programs are based on the concept of the golden cut, which determines proportions based on the individual's facial dimensions. However, these programs often overlook a crucial factor: the personality of the face, which should significantly influence the smile design. When creating a smile design, Dr. Marko Zimmermann relies on his experience and customises his approach based on the unique characteristics of each patient he works with.

“A smile should be a personal and distinctive signature, unique to each individual. That is why I do not endorse standardised, uniform smile designs that can be generated through smile design programs and applications. My approach to smile design is more personalised and tailored to the individual's personality, aiming to create an intimate and customised result that reflects their unique traits.”
Ceramic veneers
Ceramic veneers serve as a conservative prosthetic solution, with a thickness ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 mm, closely resembling the natural surface of teeth. When patients desire a "Hollywood smile," ceramic veneers are often their primary choice.
One significant advantage is that we only minimally remove a portion of the tooth's surface, providing enough abrasion to allow for the veneer to be securely bonded with dental cement.
- the shape of a tooth
- the dimension of a tooth
- the position of a tooth
- the natural colour of a tooth
When we say that a specific procedure has a narrow indication, it means that a lot of parameters must be met in order to be able to perform that procedure.There is a lot of talk about ceramic veneers, but it is rarely mentioned that these belong in that narrow indication category.
Ceramic veneers are placed exclusively on frontal teeth. We recommend ceramic veneers when when the front teeth are worn, when there is visible damage to the enamel, when there is an aesthetically unacceptable gap between the teeth (known as diastema), and when devitalised teeth have turned grey over time. It is important to note that there should be sufficient solid tooth structure remaining for the dentist to minimally grind and for the ceramic veneer to be attached properly. Ceramic veneers are effective for correcting minor aesthetic irregularities in the position, shape, size, and color of the teeth.

If you don't know whether the irregularities of your smile fall into the category of more or less, contact us!
Zirconia ceramics
Zirconium oxide ceramics, commonly known as zirconia, have become the standard in dentistry. This material combines a durable metal (zirconia) with oxygen, providing dental restorations with exceptional properties such as resistance, hardness, and translucency. These properties cannot be achieved with traditional metal-ceramic crowns.
Bridges or crowns made from zirconium oxide have a more natural look and fit better in the existing teeth row. Additionally, due to its white color, zirconia ceramics will not gradually seep through years of wear like metal-ceramics, which can create an aesthetically undesirable grey edge at the transition between the ceramic crown/bridge and the gums.
- emphasised resistance and durability
- low thermal conductivity - teeth will not be sensitive to hot or cold
- requires the removal of a smaller part of the tooth than other materials
- excellent biocompatibility with oral cavity tissues
- better resistance to stains due to wine, nicotine and coffee consumption

Patients often come to our studio thinking that Zirconia ceramics (being the most expensive option) is also the most suited one for the rehabilitation of their smile. It is important to emphasise that the strength of Zirconia ceramics can sometimes be a double-edged sword.
For large spans - the distance from tooth to tooth that we prepared and whose function is to support the bridge - zirconium oxide ceramic is not the best choice precisely because of its characteristic hardness. In that case, a metal-ceramic bridge is a better option for the patient than the classic metal-ceramic, which can withstand the pressure of chewing forces much better due to its elasticity.

If you’re wondering which combination of prosthetic materials is ideal for you new smile, ask us!
Tooth whitening
Tooth whitening is by far the most searched term related to teeth on the internet. The reason for it is very simple - in a very short while your smile can shine painlessly.
Dr. Marko Zimmermann considers whitening as a “the cherry on the top” of the patient's care for the health of his oral cavity. Before whitening, the teeth should be thoroughly cleaned of tartar and plaque, all caries and possible inflammation of the gums should be repaired. Only then does whitening make sense.
At Zimmermann dental aesthetic studio for patients that decide to do the whitening treatment - a specially made split is given along with the whitening solution - which the patient will use by themselves in the evening, before going to sleep. The duration and the amount of the whitening solution will depend on the current teeth colour and the results we want to achieve.